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Celia Reisman - Artists - Paul Thiebaud Gallery

Celia Reisman Chartreuse Heaven, 2023 oil on canvas, 40 x 40 in.

Everywhere I go, close to home or further afield, I find potential subjects for my paintings.

Inspired by the interaction of residential architecture with natural forms, I am compelled to record these interactions, to make these observations stay put in paintings when they are  ephemeral in life.  The narrow spaces in between domestic residencies provide varied displays of shape and color that change from time of day and season to season.  From my car I make observational drawings and, in my studio, combine the drawing with changes of color, light and perspective altering the known with the imagined.  New forms develop that lead to that moment when there is tension between the hard silhouette of a garage and the graceful lines of a tree.  My studio challenge is to orchestrate all the components so that they hold that tension.  By working between boundaries of representation and abstraction, meaning is created by my choices to balance all the elements. In return, the paintings transform my daily world into one suspended in mystery and surprise. 

"The paintings transform my daily world into one suspended in mystery and surprise."


Born in Syracuse, NY


MFA, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT

BFA, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Blossom Art Program, Kent State University, Kent, OH


Chosen Places, Paul Thiebaud Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Side Streets, Back Roads, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Borderlands, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

The Vermont Paintings, Big Town Gallery, Rochester, VT

Endless Readings, Art Space, HACC Lancaster Campus, Lancaster, PA

A Moment Noticed, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Paintings & Their Studies, St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery, Rutherford, CA

Recent Paintings, Paul Thiebaud Gallery, San Francisco, CA

A Certain Slant – Paintings and Drawings, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Hidden Spaces, The Anne Reid ’72 Art Gallery, Princeton Day School, Princeton, NJ

Paintings, Paul Thiebaud Gallery, New York, NY

Paintings, Upper Jewett Exhibition Corridor, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Paintings, Paul Thiebaud Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Les Yeux du Monde, Charlottesville, VA

Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York, NY
Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Fifteen Year Survey, James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA
Tasis American School, Surrey, England


Visiting Artist, Mt. Gretna School of Art, Mt. Gretna, PA

Visiting Professor, Art New England, Bennington College, Bennington, VT

Visiting Artist, Mt. Gretna School of Art, PA

Visiting Professor in Painting, The International School for Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture, Montecastello di Vibio, Umbria, Italy [summer]


Borgo Finnochietto Residency, Buonconvento, Italy

Hassam, Speicher, Betts, and Symons Fund Purchase, American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, NY
Helene Wurlitzer Foundation Residency, Taos, NM

Rochfort-en-Terre Painting Residency, Brittany, France

Leeway Foundation - Window of Opportunity Award
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts - SOS Grant

Celia Reisman Hartford Village, 2023 oil on canvas 30 x 44 in.

Celia Reisman
Hartford Village, 2023
oil on canvas
30 x 44 in.


Celia Reisman
Ranunculus, 2014
oil on canvas
28 1/8 x 22 1/4 in.

Celia Reisman Golden Hill, 2015 oil on canvas 36 x 42 in.

Celia Reisman
Golden Hill, 2015
oil on canvas
36 x 42 in.

Celia Reisman Light Poppies, 2022 oil on linen mounted on panel ​​​​​​​20 x 16 in.

Celia Reisman
Light Poppies, 2022
oil on linen mounted on panel
20 x 16 in.

Celia Reisman SD Garden, 2023 oil on canvas ​​​​​​​30 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
SD Garden, 2023
oil on canvas
30 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Marin County, 2022 oil on linen panel ​​​​​​​20 x 16 in.

Celia Reisman
Marin County, 2022
oil on linen mounted on panel
20 x 16 in.


Celia Reisman
Magnolia Frame, 2012
oil on canvas
26 1/4 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Chartreuse Heaven, 2023 oil on canvas ​​​​​​​40 x 40 in.

Celia Reisman
Chartreuse Heaven, 2023
oil on canvas
40 x 40 in.

Celia Reisman Robinson Night, 2021 oil on silk panel 14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman
Robinson Night, 2021
oil on silk mounted on panel
14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman Neighborhood Poppies, 2023 graphite & gouache on paper 24 7/8 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman
Neighborhood Poppies, 2023
graphite & gouache on paper
24 7/8 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman Atlantic Way, 2023 oil on canvas 18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman
Atlantic Way, 2023
oil on canvas
18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman Seven Tops, 2017 oil on canvas 36 x 48 in.

Celia Reisman
Seven Tops, 2017
oil on canvas
36 x 48 in.

Celia Reisman Burren Cluster, 2023 oil on canvas 24 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Burren Cluster, 2023
oil on canvas
24 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Neighborhood Lupines, 2023 graphite & gouache on paper 27 3/4 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman
Neighborhood Lupines, 2023
graphite & gouache on paper
27 3/4 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman Ocean Front, 2023 oil on canvas 18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman
Ocean Front, 2023
oil on canvas
18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman Montoya, 2009 oil on canvas 40 x 72 in.

Celia Reisman
Montoya, 2009
oil on canvas
40 x 72 in.


Celia Reisman
Birdcage, 2014
oil on canvas
24 1/4 x 20 1/8 in.

Celia Reisman Study for Echo Park, 2014 gouache and graphite on paper 11 3/4 x 16 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman
Study for Echo Park, 2014
gouache and graphite on paper
11 3/4 x 16 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman Front Poppies, 2023 oil on canvas 38 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Front Poppies, 2023
oil on canvas
38 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Kidstuff, 2017 oil on canvas 30 x 37 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman
Kidstuff, 2017
oil on canvas
30 x 37 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman Uphill Pink, 2023 oil on canvas 36 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Uphill Pink, 2023
oil on canvas
36 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Night, 2008–09 oil on canvas 44 5/8 x 57 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman
Night, 2008–09
oil on canvas
44 5/8 x 57 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman Study for Remember Valley, 2014 gouache and graphite on paper 19 1/8 x 25 7/16 in.

Celia Reisman
Study for Remember Valley, 2014
gouache and graphite on paper
19 1/8 x 25 7/16 in.


Celia Reisman
Remember Valley, 2014
oil on canvas
30 1/4 x 36 1/4 in.

Celia Reisman  Pink Umbrella, 2014 oil on canvas 10 x 17 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman
Pink Umbrella, 2014
oil on canvas
10 x 17 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman Front Lupines, 2023 oil on canvas ​​​​​​​38 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Front Lupines, 2023
oil on canvas
38 x 36 in.


Celia Reisman
Two Vases, 2010
oil on canvas
15 7/8 x 12 in.


Celia Reisman
Birthday Tulips, 2011
oil on linen panel
10 x 13 1/2 in.


Celia Reisman
Lily at Night," 2010
oil on paper
20 1/8 x 13 1/4 in.

Celia Reisman. Study for LaLa Purple, 2014 gouache and graphite on paper 13 3/8 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman
Study for LaLa Purple, 2014
gouache and graphite on paper
13 3/8 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman Surprise Pink, 2020 oil on canvas 14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman
Surprise Pink, 2020
oil on canvas
14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman Hartford Village, 2023 oil on canvas 30 x 44 in.

Celia Reisman
Hartford Village, 2023
oil on canvas
30 x 44 in.


Celia Reisman
Ranunculus, 2014
oil on canvas
28 1/8 x 22 1/4 in.

Celia Reisman Golden Hill, 2015 oil on canvas 36 x 42 in.

Celia Reisman
Golden Hill, 2015
oil on canvas
36 x 42 in.

Celia Reisman Light Poppies, 2022 oil on linen mounted on panel ​​​​​​​20 x 16 in.

Celia Reisman
Light Poppies, 2022
oil on linen mounted on panel
20 x 16 in.

Celia Reisman SD Garden, 2023 oil on canvas ​​​​​​​30 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
SD Garden, 2023
oil on canvas
30 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Marin County, 2022 oil on linen panel ​​​​​​​20 x 16 in.

Celia Reisman
Marin County, 2022
oil on linen mounted on panel
20 x 16 in.


Celia Reisman
Magnolia Frame, 2012
oil on canvas
26 1/4 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Chartreuse Heaven, 2023 oil on canvas ​​​​​​​40 x 40 in.

Celia Reisman
Chartreuse Heaven, 2023
oil on canvas
40 x 40 in.

Celia Reisman Robinson Night, 2021 oil on silk panel 14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman
Robinson Night, 2021
oil on silk mounted on panel
14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman Neighborhood Poppies, 2023 graphite & gouache on paper 24 7/8 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman
Neighborhood Poppies, 2023
graphite & gouache on paper
24 7/8 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman Atlantic Way, 2023 oil on canvas 18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman
Atlantic Way, 2023
oil on canvas
18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman Seven Tops, 2017 oil on canvas 36 x 48 in.

Celia Reisman
Seven Tops, 2017
oil on canvas
36 x 48 in.

Celia Reisman Burren Cluster, 2023 oil on canvas 24 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Burren Cluster, 2023
oil on canvas
24 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Neighborhood Lupines, 2023 graphite & gouache on paper 27 3/4 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman
Neighborhood Lupines, 2023
graphite & gouache on paper
27 3/4 x 19 in.

Celia Reisman Ocean Front, 2023 oil on canvas 18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman
Ocean Front, 2023
oil on canvas
18 x 24 in.

Celia Reisman Montoya, 2009 oil on canvas 40 x 72 in.

Celia Reisman
Montoya, 2009
oil on canvas
40 x 72 in.


Celia Reisman
Birdcage, 2014
oil on canvas
24 1/4 x 20 1/8 in.

Celia Reisman Study for Echo Park, 2014 gouache and graphite on paper 11 3/4 x 16 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman
Study for Echo Park, 2014
gouache and graphite on paper
11 3/4 x 16 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman Front Poppies, 2023 oil on canvas 38 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Front Poppies, 2023
oil on canvas
38 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Kidstuff, 2017 oil on canvas 30 x 37 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman
Kidstuff, 2017
oil on canvas
30 x 37 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman Uphill Pink, 2023 oil on canvas 36 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Uphill Pink, 2023
oil on canvas
36 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman Night, 2008–09 oil on canvas 44 5/8 x 57 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman
Night, 2008–09
oil on canvas
44 5/8 x 57 1/2 in.

Celia Reisman Study for Remember Valley, 2014 gouache and graphite on paper 19 1/8 x 25 7/16 in.

Celia Reisman
Study for Remember Valley, 2014
gouache and graphite on paper
19 1/8 x 25 7/16 in.


Celia Reisman
Remember Valley, 2014
oil on canvas
30 1/4 x 36 1/4 in.

Celia Reisman  Pink Umbrella, 2014 oil on canvas 10 x 17 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman
Pink Umbrella, 2014
oil on canvas
10 x 17 7/8 in.

Celia Reisman Front Lupines, 2023 oil on canvas ​​​​​​​38 x 36 in.

Celia Reisman
Front Lupines, 2023
oil on canvas
38 x 36 in.


Celia Reisman
Two Vases, 2010
oil on canvas
15 7/8 x 12 in.


Celia Reisman
Birthday Tulips, 2011
oil on linen panel
10 x 13 1/2 in.


Celia Reisman
Lily at Night," 2010
oil on paper
20 1/8 x 13 1/4 in.

Celia Reisman. Study for LaLa Purple, 2014 gouache and graphite on paper 13 3/8 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman
Study for LaLa Purple, 2014
gouache and graphite on paper
13 3/8 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman Surprise Pink, 2020 oil on canvas 14 x 11 in.

Celia Reisman
Surprise Pink, 2020
oil on canvas
14 x 11 in.